Saturday, 6 December 2014

A really very useful discussion ...

For those of you of quantitative bent, and even those of you not, this discussion on what you can and can't or maybe shouldn't attempt with choice modelling is really rather good
[Sawtooth are probably the largest purveyors of choice and conjoint software globally.  They are incredibly generous with what they share with the broader research community, regardless of whether you are a user of their software (I'm not) or not.]

[Oh oh ... looks like the above link is not working any more - contact me if you would like a copy of the paper/pdf.]

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Conclusive proof that social media data predict sales ?

I don't think so.

From a recent email by one of the keynote speakers at the AMSRS conference for 2014 ...

"Important news to share today! There is conclusive proof that social media data predict sales from a landmark study made public.
It proved that the quantity of social media conversations about a brand has a statistically significant relationship to changes in its sales. 
This industry learning comes on top of an academic paper by Prof. Wendy Moe at the University of Maryland that showed a correlation of .8 between social media listening data and brand equity metrics derived from survey questions." 

Here are four data sets (Source: that each have an identical correlation of 0.8 ... does that look like 'proof' of anything to you?

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Valid use of NPS? You be the judge.

I recently had cause to phone the Fairfax help line, to try and work out why I couldn't log in to my online account on 'The Age' website.

The advisor I spoke to was quite helpful, so no complaints there.

But I then received the following from the Fairfax organisation ...

Answering this question poses a number of problems:

  • Do I assume that my friends and colleagues have asked me for a recommendation concerning The Age, or am I just volunteering an opinion out of the blue?
  • What's the context, i.e. is it for business news coverage, sport, political commentary, etc.?  Which one (or ones)?
  • Is the recommendation sought for the online edition of The Age, or is it for the print version?

NPS can be a helpful metric, but the underpinning question needs to be framed carefully, and take full account of the context in which it is asked.

A better (but not perfect) question in this case might have been something along the lines of:

"Based on your (recent) service experience, if they asked you for your opinion would you be more or less likely to recommend the online edition of The Age newspaper to friends or colleagues, or does it make no difference to what you would say to them?"

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

I've found it ! (again)

Data scientists like me spend a lot of time worrying about which type of model to fit and the best way of fitting it. 
As one example, we think about regression, its many pitfalls, and its arguable overuse in market research, and we look for alternatives that deal with issues such as collinearity, non-linearity in relationship, non-numeric dependent variables, non-‘normal’ predictors, and missing values, not to mention data files that are invariably imperfect (e.g. when a value of zero can mean either ‘0’ or ‘Don’t know’ or ‘the question wasn’t asked of that respondent’).
In fact, the frontier for modelling in market research is now very much associated with approaches from the data mining field, such as (you know I am going to say this) Random Forests and even Conditional Random Forests. 
Random Forests and similar approaches (which together fall into the category of ‘ensemble modelling’, which is more or less the quantitative version of Wisdom of Crowds) form the backbone of competitive attempts to predict the near-impossible, via the various competitions on Kaggle
In my search for alternatives, a few years back I came across the unfortunately spelt ‘Eureqa’ software, and have written about it previouly. 
Eureqa Desktop uses something called ‘Symbolic Regression’, and its mode of operation is essentially to conduct a search for the best model amongst all possible models.  That is, it doesn’t just say “Here is the model you’ve asked for and I will now calibrate it”.  It says “Here are a zillion possible different models, and I will calibrate them all and let you know which is the best one.” 
Eureqa Desktop is available from and is, unfortunately, no longer free. 
However, the Excel version is (at the time of writing) in beta testing, and is free.  And unlike Eureqa Desktop, Eureqa for Excel pretty much makes all the decisions for you (such as what functional forms to allow in the models that it examines).
I’m still to be convinced about Eureqa … but I do understand, for example, that if you input the co-ordinates of a swinging pendulum, Eureqa will eventually come up with Newton’s gravitational law as the best model for the data !
However in market research, we rarely have data sets that display the same degree of precision as a swinging pendulum, and finding a model that predicts satisfactorily, however good the software used, is probably always going to be at least a little problematic.
Ultimately it comes down to finding an approach that (a) may not be perfect but works well enough and (b) the outputs of which make sense, in the light of what else we know about the particular situation being analysed.
As the statistician G.E.P. Box wrote in 1979 … “All models are wrong, but some are useful.” 

Monday, 5 May 2014

Something in the air ?

Like very many people in this industry, I have loads of stuff that I can’t afford to lose.

So the only option is to back it up, both frequently and in full.

What’s the best way to do that?  Well, you’ll all have your own strategies.

For example, one of my clients was telling me that she backs up all her computer-based records on to a hard drive at the end of every day, then one of the people in her office takes the drive home and looks after it overnight.  That way, by alternating between two or more hard drives, she is pretty sure of never being more than a day or two behind, if disaster strikes.

I do something similar, but instead using an NAS (network attached storage) hard drive (i.e. a 4Tb drive that is accessed through my office network) and backing up to that automatically every night at 1am.  The NAS drive is in a “secret” place, that no-one (I hope) will ever find.

But that’s not good enough.  So I’ve also been a user of cloud storage for a couple of years now, starting with Google’s service.  But ultimately, I opted for Microsoft’s ‘Onedrive’ service (the product formally known as ‘Skydrive’, but which was apparently the subject of an infringement action in the UK by Sky TV, so the name had to change).   I pay $USD100 per year for 200Gb of cloud storage capacity, which is a pretty fair charge, particularly when compared with Google’s fees for a similar, but lower capacity, cloud storage service.

Now, you’d think that Microsoft would have this pretty well-sorted. 

Unfortunately not.

For example:
  • Some Onedrive users (particularly Windows 8.1 users) have had massive problems in just trying to access a local copy of a file they have put onto the cloud service via syncing from another PC.
  • It seems also that a move to Windows 8.1 can mean that the service completely stops.  One of the solutions to this suggested by the Microsoft help desk was to back up your entire Onedrive directory, then delete it, then re-make it and start again, whilst at the same time saying the Microsoft took ‘no responsibility’ for any loss of data.  [Really?  I thought the whole purpose of cloud storage was so that you wouldn’t lose data.]
  • In my case, I have around 130Gb of data in my Onedrive storage, and re-syncing that to the cloud facility literally takes days.
  • Whilst you can upload files with path lengths greater than 255 characters, once you do it, when syncing, the service simply stops at the point where it encounters the ‘excessive’ path length, and the only fix is to log onto the service on-line, locate the offending file and path, shorten it, then re-start the syncing.  But if there is another path with the same problem, the procedure starts all over again.  Some users have reported having literally hundreds of long-path-name files which they have had to rectify one by one.
  • When you are not on a wireless connection, but instead on 3/4G, it seems that Onedrive becomes extremely reluctant to be helpful, on the grounds that it might use too much of your bandwidth.

·         Lastly, if you want further indication of difficulties encountered by Onedrive users, just search “skydrive-onedrive-error-files-cant-be-uploaded”, or similar.

Having said all that (sorry for the rant), when Onedrive is working, it works really very well, and pretty much seamlessly.

But also bear in mind that Microsoft has some pretty severe conditions for using their service …

I haven’t anywhere near the same experience with other cloud storage facilities, so can’t comment on those.

Regardless, and in summary, I think the moral is never to rely on just one form of back-up.  If I had to re-create even just this article, it would mean at least another hour out of my day.  Imagine if I had to re-create all of yesterday’s work?

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

How not to respond to a customer suggestion ...

Did Virgin actually read my suggestion? ... (hint: read from the bottom)

Membership number: 2101*****2

Dear Mr Maclean

Thank you for taking the time to contact us about your feedback.

I understand you may be disappointed and on behalf of Velocity Frequent Flyer, please accept my sincerest apologies.

Receiving feedback from our members ultimately helps us to improve our program and we appreciate you taking the time to provide us with your feedback.

For further information about Velocity Frequent Flyer or your own account, please visit our website: or call the Membership Contact Centre on the number below.

Yours sincerely

Shanne Mcman
Velocity Frequent Flyer
Velocity Membership Contact Centre:
Australia - 131 875
New Zealand - 0800 230 875
Everywhere else - +61 2 8667 5924
(Monday to Friday from 8am to 8pm - Sydney time)
This message is being sent to you in response to an enquiry you addressed to Velocity Frequent Flyer, and is being sent by Velocity Rewards Pty Ltd ABN 98 116 089 448 of PO BOX 1034 Spring Hill 4004.

Original Message:
Subject : RED - 2101*****2 - Suggestion - Other
From ID : 8650013783
Name Surname : QMAN SYDNEY
From Email : info@velocityfrequentflyer.comDate : 2014-04-15 13:49:54.0
Submitted on: 15 Apr 2014 - 13:49
First Name: Alan
Last Name: MacLean
Email Address: Phone: 0419504588
Velocity Member: Yes
Velocity Number: 2101*****2
Velocity Tier: R
Type of Feedback: Suggestion
Relating To: Other
Reference Number: Not Entered

Summary: Lounge access

Message: Hi. I am a Lounge member, and have been for some years, at an annual cost of $400 . 

My suggestion is that you give Lounge members access to the priority check-in queue at the general check-in area. 

I'm pretty sure I can use the AirNZ priority check-in queue when flying with them, by virtue of my Virgin Lounge membership, so it seems inconsistent that I cannot have the same when flying Virgin.